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SHOP NOWExtremely high in protein (averages 29% more than most seeds). High in EFAs and rich in Vitamin A, Iron, Calcium, and B Vitamins. A favorite in trail mixes, in stir frys, casseroles or stews. May be cooked with grains and vegetables or used raw as a topping, whole or powdered dry in a blender ...
Small seeds rich in EFAs. Add to hot or cold cereal, casseroles, sauces and salads. For easier digestion and better nutritional benefit, grind them in a small coffee grinder or with a mortar and pestle. Ground flax seeds taste nutty, a bit like wheat germ. Sprinkle on foods, uncooked, for maxi...
INGREDIENTS: Certified Organic Fennel Seed (Foeniculum Vulgare). Grown in the Northwest. All organic ingredients are certified organically grown and processed in accordance with Oregon Tilth Standards and the California Organic Foods Act of 1990. Do not use if pregnant or nursing.
Fenugreek Seed comes from the herb with the Latin botanical name of Trigonella foenum graecum, which is a member of the Fabaceae plant family, the same one that is the family for legumes, peas and beans. Organic fenugreek seed has many culinary uses as well. It is one of the primary ingredient...